AI and Enabling Me

I’ve written little here in a few years because my mental illness involved issues with language, in recent months a new tool (GPT4) has come into being.

It allows me to translate my incoherent text into stuff people can read, converts logical to social language.

This is lifting my fear of posting content here.

I’ve create a special image at the bottom of each post - it will say “original content rewritten by GPT4” or similar if the content has been through this.

I’ll be keeping the original content in an archive menu for a period of time exceeding a few weeks :)

Drugs Man...

That moment, when I realise that the drugs the doctors have got me on are not actually fixing my problem at all. I'm still careening towards oblivion.

The difference now - I no longer care that I am, nor am I inclined to do anything about it.

Is that good - or is it bad?



After years and years of hammering out a crappy looking personal website in PHP or HTML or some custom HTML generation tool, I've taken the leap to Squarespace. 

I am very impressed, I have zero levels of visual creativity - but this place is awesome. I'm even happy with how my site looks.