Singles Scoring System for Bridge

The following scoring system was designed to add flavour to our social bridge nights. Instead of having our two teams for the night, we decided to have a system allowing each player to cycle through all partners.

This scoring system is based upon a normal rubber bridge scoring system (i.e. 2 or 3 games per rubber, points for rubber and points above and below the line). However there is some differences.

Playing the Game

Assuming there is four players for the social game, pick one who is the scorer (player S), in addition there is three other players - (player A, player B and player C).

You will be playing a number of rounds, a round consisting of 3 games (SA vs BC, SB vs AC and SC vs AB). You can play any number of rounds, however partial rounds will end up biasing the score at the end of the evening.

Play for a round is as follows:

Rubber North South East West
Player A
Player B
Player C
Player B
Player A
Player C
Player C
Player A
Player B

Each rubber involves two players (other than the Scorer) swapping position. Be careful (if you pre-deal hands) that hands are not looked at if the results of a Rubber are about to be determined.

Scoring the Rubbers

Each rubber is scored as per normal rubber bridge, with the following changes:

  • Below the line scores for normal, undoubled (vulnerable or not) contracts are entered as normally - a total of 100 below the line consists of a game.
  • Below the line scores for doubled or redoubled (vulnerable or not) contracs are entered with the total portion below the line, however in addition the doubled and/or redoubled excess is also scored above the line. (e.g. 2H doubled, making scores 120 below the line - and 60 above the line). A total of 100 below the line consists of a game.
  • Above the line scores - all above the line scores are placed against the contract player. Over tricks etc are entered as normal positive amounts, under tricks etc are entered as negative amounts. Doubled, redoubled and vulnerable calculations are as per normal rubber bridge rules (for overtricks, undertricks and contract worth).
  • There is no random scores above or below the line, that is no points for honours (small or large), no points for 'the insult' on winning a doubled contract.
  • In essence the above the line total reflects the excess or otherwise of the current team for the duration of that game. No points (positive or negative) are entered into the defending team's above the line totals.
  • There is a 1000 point cap on positive totals - exceding this is classed as 'going out the front door'.
  • There is a -1000 point cap on negative totals - exceding this is classed as 'going out the back door'.

The Solo Scoring System

The solo scoring system awards points to each player based upon the results of each of their rubbers.

Points Condition
1 For a small slam (contract of 6) in any rubber in which the bidders of the slam did NOT win the rubber.
2 For the team winning a rubber two games to one (the old 500 rubber)
3 For a large slam (contract of 7) in any rubber in which the bidders of the slam did NOT win the rubber
4 For the team winning a rubber two games to zero (the old 700 rubber)
5 For a small slam (contract of 6) in any rubber in which the bidders of the slam DID win the rubber
6 For the team winning a rubber when their opponents 'go out the back door' or they themselves 'go out the front door', Even if doing so would cause a two to one or two to nil victory.
7 For a large slam (contract of 7) in any rubber in which the bidders of the slam DID win the rubber


All points for slams accumulate - and it is possible for one team to get two slam scores, and the other team to get one. Remember however, the team winning the rubber gets the bonus level points for all their slams.

Each player accumulates points on his own tally over the course of the round, and rounds of play.

At the end of the round (or rounds) tally up the total for each player. The winner is that player with the highest score.