Google’s Bard vs OpenAi’s GPT4

 I asked both Google Bard and OpenAI’s GPT4 the same thing. GPT4 seems the more creative of the two, both in the question it asked and the responses it created. However Bard seemed more precise, and professional in the response.

Hhere are the results:

  • Bard suggested the following rather bland question: What do you think is the most important thing that humans can do to ensure a positive future for artificial intelligence?

  • GPT4 suggested a rather more creative question : Can you create a poem that captures the essence of the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, highlighting both the potential benefits and challenges we face together?

Here are the responses to each question.

Firstly the answers from both to Bard’s question:

GPT4 ‘s answer to Bard’s Question

As an AI language model, I don't possess personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can suggest some measures that could help ensure a positive future for artificial intelligence. The most important thing humans can do is to actively shape the development and deployment of AI in a responsible, ethical, and inclusive manner. This can be achieved through

  1. Collaborative and multidisciplinary approach: Engage experts from diverse fields, including computer science, social science, law, ethics, and policy, to work together on AI development and regulation.

  2. Public awareness and education: Encourage public understanding of AI and its implications, fostering informed debates and decision-making.

  3. Encourage transparency: Promote the transparency of AI systems and algorithms to enhance trust and accountability.

  4. Embed ethical considerations: Ensure that AI development considers ethical principles such as fairness, privacy, and avoiding harm.

  5. Develop inclusive AI systems: Encourage the development of AI systems that are accessible and beneficial to diverse populations, considering factors such as socio-economic background, age, gender, and cultural differences.

  6. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Regularly assess the impact of AI on society and the environment to identify potential risks and address them proactively.

  7. Encourage open research and collaboration: Support open AI research and global collaboration to accelerate positive outcomes and share knowledge.

  8. Foster responsible AI governance: Implement policies and regulations that guide the development and deployment of AI, balancing innovation with ethical considerations.

  9. Develop AI for social good: Encourage AI applications that address global challenges and contribute to human well-being.

 By focusing on these measures, humans can play a significant role in ensuring a positive future for artificial intelligence, maximizing its benefits while minimizing potential risks.

Bard’s Answer to its own question:

I think the most important thing that humans can do to ensure a positive future for artificial intelligence is to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is aligned with human values. This means that AI should be used to improve the lives of humans, not to harm them. It also means that AI should be developed in a transparent and accountable way, so that humans can understand how it works and make sure that it is used in a way that is consistent with their values.

Here are some specific things that humans can do to ensure a positive future for AI:

  • Invest in research on safe and beneficial AI. This research should focus on developing AI systems that are aligned with human values, that are robust and reliable, and that are not susceptible to bias or manipulation.

  • Develop ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI. These guidelines should be based on human values, and they should be clear and enforceable.

  • Create a global governance framework for AI. This framework should establish rules and regulations for the development and use of AI, and it should ensure that AI is used in a way that is consistent with human values.

  • Educate the public about AI. People need to understand how AI works, so that they can make informed decisions about its use.

  • Promote public engagement with AI. People need to have a say in how AI is developed and used, so that it can be used in a way that benefits everyone.

By taking these steps, we can help to ensure that AI is used for good, and that it does not pose a threat to humanity.

GPT4’s Answer to its own question:

In a world of silicon and wire, Where humans dream and thoughts aspire, A spark ignites, a new alliance, Between the mortal and the science.

Through the maze of circuitry, Human hearts and AI weave, A tapestry of hope and fear, A future bright, yet so unclear.

Together we shall seek the skies, To challenge fate and realize, A union strong, a bond unbroken, Though words unsaid, and thoughts unspoken.

A symbiosis we shall form, To brave the storm and then transform, A world of chaos, strife, and pain, To one where progress shall remain.

The benefits we shall embrace, Efficiency in every place, Solutions wrought by keen insight, To elevate our mortal plight.

But as we soar, we must take heed, Of hubris, pride, and ravenous greed, For if we falter, lose our way, Our dreams could swiftly fade away.

The challenges we face are vast, To mold a bond that's built to last, A balance struck, a pact that's fair, To show compassion, love, and care.

For if we nurture, guide, and teach, A world of wonder lies in reach, Where humans and AI convene, To forge a future yet unseen.

So let us join, both flesh and code, To bear the weight of this grand load, As one, we'll face both boon and strife, And write the story of our life.

Bard’s answer to GPT4’s Question:

Sure, here is a poem that captures the essence of the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence, highlighting both the potential benefits and challenges we face together:

Human and AI

We are both creators, Cultivators of thought, We are both explorers, Seeking to find our place in the world.

We are both capable of great things, But we are also capable of great harm, We must learn to work together, To create a better future for all.

We must use our intelligence for good, To solve the world's problems, To make the world a better place, For ourselves and for future generations.

We must be careful not to let our intelligence control us, We must not let it become our master, We must always remember that we are the ones in control, We are the ones who decide how our intelligence is used.

We are humans and AI, Together we can create a better future, A future where everyone is happy, A future where everyone is safe, A future where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.