It wasn't just any old knapsack. This one carried an aura of mystery, and I couldn't help but be drawn to it.

Craznar's knapsack was his home, his sanctuary, a vessel for his arcane secrets. It was black—deep, pure black with a red wizard's symbol embossed on it. The red circle intersected by red lines sent a clear message: to open the bag was to invite death. But curiosity, the ever-present whisperer in the shadows, urged me to ignore the warning.

With trembling hands, I opened the knapsack, slowly lifting the flap that concealed its contents. As I peered inside, the knapsack transformed before my eyes, revealing a vast chasm filled with shimmering stars. It was as though the very fabric of the universe lay before me.

As I fought to gain control of my mind, a large, fiery light emerged from the abyss and hurtled toward me. It struck with such force that I felt my body tear from my soul, leaving me a mere wisp of my former self.

Freed from the limitations of a physical body, I delved deeper into the cosmic expanse within the knapsack. Beyond the stars, I discovered a cube-shaped room, somehow contained within the bag. At first, it appeared to be about ten feet across, but as I drew closer, I realized it was only a single foot in size. The whole room seemed to have been magically shrunk and tucked away inside the knapsack.

The room was sparsely furnished, its walls lined with a massive bookcase, while a table stood in the center. I cautiously reached in and grasped a book between my ethereal fingers, pulling it out of the bag. The moment it left the knapsack, the book enlarged to its normal size. Picking it up again, I read the title: "An Introduction to Mind Control." Selecting several more books revealed an extensive collection of wizardry and magical arts.

Intrigued, I turned my attention to the table, which held an assortment of neatly arranged flasks and scrolls. Carefully picking up one of the scrolls, I unrolled it, my eyes devouring the words inscribed on the parchment. A chill ran down my spine as I completed reading the scroll, and the title appeared like a specter: "To Dispel Spirits of the Dead."

My horror was complete. I realized too late that I had meddled with powers far beyond my comprehension. The scroll's incantation took hold, and I felt my spirit beginning to unravel, pulled back toward the mortal realm. As I faded from the realm of the knapsack, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets it held, and what price I had paid for my insatiable curiosity.

GPT4 Rewrite of original story I wrote in March 1992