Craznar Millennium Chapter 1: The Box (draft)

In a world dominated by steel and flame, young Craznar walked a path less traveled. Destined to be an artisan wielding the hammer, his heart instead yearned for the vast expanse of the ocean. As a weaponsmith's apprentice, he found solace along the shore's edge, where the waves met the land in an eternal embrace.

Craznar walked the coastline, feeling as though he was balancing on the edge of his own soul, between the iron world he knew and the endless beauty he longed to explore. The dolphins captivated him, their sleek bodies gliding gracefully through the water, effortlessly breaking the surface. The creatures sang to him, a song of freedom and boundless joy.

One ill-fated day, his peers, lacking the depth of spirit that Craznar possessed, decided to play a cruel trick. The clang of steel echoed as they encased him within a metal box, a prison of iron and darkness. What started as a jest led the boy to the deepest corners of his psyche.

Initially, panic welled up within him as the shadows of the box closed in around him like a vice. The tranquility of his seaside walks seemed a distant memory, snatched away by the cruel hands of his classmates. Yet, even in the depths of despair, the echo of the ocean's call whispered to him, a glimmer of solace in the void.

Trapped within his metallic tomb, Craznar's emotions oscillated like the tides, pulled by the moon's unseen force. He swung between the peace of the sea and the tempest of rage threatening to consume him. As the internal battle raged, his desperation grew, a crescendo of despair and fury.

In the crucible of emotion, the boy discovered untapped power, a strength born from the tempest within him. As the storm reached its peak, the ocean's song intertwined with his own, a symphony of power and resilience. It was then, in the chaos of his tormented heart, that Craznar shattered the walls of his confinement with a force emerging from the depths of his being.

Freed from the darkness, the boy emerged forever changed, with newfound power coursing through his veins. The ocean's song would always be a part of him, a reminder of the beauty that lies within the heart, even in the midst of adversity.